Automatic Warehouse System

General Description

  • Increases the number of parking spacesThese warehouses can be a number of floors high depending on the size of the site and the building regulations.
  • The driver leaves the car and the system automatically parks the car – The driver drives into the lobby and leaves the car to be parked automatically by the system.
  • The system has a central aisle between the rows of parked cars.
  • The system has an elevator and carrier unit – The elevator element controls vertical movement and the carrier controls horizontal movement. In some systems the elevator is independent from the carriers in which each floor has its own carrier. In some systems the elevator unit is a combined elevator-carrier unit. In these types of systems once the elevator reaches the floor determined by the control system, the carrier unit moves the car out of the elevator and parks it in the space determined on either side of the aisle on that specific floor.
  • Above or Underground –It will normally be a self-contained building above ground, but if planning allows it it can all be built into an underground basement. 

Automatic warehousing system