Multi Floor System


  • A steel structure houses several individual columns of palettes – Each column of palettes works independently and its operation isn’t affected by the other columns. Each “cell” (palette) is a separate unit in itself. Only one cell in each column can be moved at a time.
  • Each car has its own palette –  The driver drives the car to be parked directly onto a palette which has been moved out of the steel structure and placed onto the road parallel to the structure.  The driver exits the car before the palette is returned to its “cell” (its place in the column). Note that when the car exits the system the palette does not have to be rotated in any way as the car will continue to drive off the palette in the same direction it was parked.
  • Several cars from different columns can be handled at the same time – Cars can be parked or retrieved from different columns at the same time. One car can park at the same time as another is retrieved from the structure as long as they are from different columns. When a number of cars are retrieved at the same time, the driver of the car on the front palette must drive out first in order to enable the next car to exit the facility.

Multi Floor System